Save These Dates
Lili ChinTuesday March 25th - 27th is the annual MY DOG IS MY HOME Conference. This is a 3-day virtual event with the mission to increase access to shelter and housing for people experiencing homelessness with companion animals. I will be attending some presentations.
Sunday, March 30th is the last day to enter the PET INCLUSIVE HOUSING AWARDS which uplift and celebrate pet inclusive rental housing providers and their residents across the nation. Our companion animals are our family. These awards are hosted by the animal welfare non-profit, Michelson Found Animals, and it is an honor that I have been invited to co-judge.

Saturday April 5th - Sunday 6th is the ORIGINS CONFERENCE - a 2-day virtual event dedicated to the future of dog breeding and well-being, co-hosted by the IAABC Foundation and Functional Dog Collaborative, whom you should also follow on social media if you are interested in dog breeds (you may have seen my licensed dog art), dog health, genetics, and behavior.
Sunday April 6th is Pasadena Humane's WIGGLE WAGGLE WALK and RUN annual fundraiser event at Brookside Park, at the Rose Bowl. I won't be there, but I recommend that you pop by their animal training booth (next to the agility course) and enjoy a peek at an early physical copy of my new book, Dogs of the World. This book has not been released yet. You will be one of the first people to flip through it!

Saturday, April 12th is Pasadena Humane's KITTEN SHOWER event. (click to register) I will have a table at this 3-hour free community event, selling signed copies of Kitty Language, pins, buttons, stickers, and posters. Come and learn about kittens and say hi!
Tuesday, April 15th is not only my partner's and my relationship anniversary and (US) tax day, it is also the day that my new book DOGS OF THE WORLD will be launched into the world! Preordered copies will ship from stores and I will also be selling signed copies on my website.
Preorder Dogs of the World before April 15th and enter the pet portrait sweepstakes! (aka win a free custom print of your dog by me)